KOLBIA Overview
1 Background of its Creation: Anticipated arrival of the era of LNG bunkering
  • Strengthened environmental regulation on gas emissions from vessels (NOx, Sox, CO2) - regulations already in force off the coast of Northern Europe and America - ECA will be expanded to cover major coastal areas of the world
  • Era of green ship approaching in step with the eco-friendly era - LNG being the only eco-friendly vessel fuel
  • Expected growth of ships fueled by LNG and LNG bunkering industry
2 Creation of KOLBIA
  • KOLBIA launched in May 2012
  • Creation of an association: creation of an association discussed in May 2014 - inaugural assembly held on Jul. 15, 2016 - Office opening ceremony held and KOLBIA registered on Sep. 9, 2016
3 Future directions for KOLBIA’s activities
  • Key achievements - 5 research projects related to creating LNG bunkering infrastructure
    Category Project name
    1 Study of LNG bunkering price
    2 Study for improvement of LNG bunkering system
    3 Creating a roadmap for LNG bunkering
    4 Plan to develop a port supporting LNG bunkering
    5 Plan to expand supply of vessels fueled by LNG
    - International cooperation
    · Seminar on LNG bunkering held jointly with China
    · Continuous cooperative relationship created with the world’s LNG related organizations and agencies
  • Projects to be promoted
    Major projects promoted Necessary measures
    Bunkering market frame created - Related law created / related support programs prepared by Korean government
    Demonstration projects implemented - Ordering vessels fueled by LNG promoted
    - Creation of LNG bunkering infrastructure promoted
    International cooperation - Joint declaration on coastal region ECA among Korea, China, and Japan
    - Close cooperation with countries currently enforcing ECA and benchmarking those countries
    Promoting the need for vessels fueled by LNG - LNG as fuel to government vessels and passenger ships
    - Applying LNG as fuel to coal-fired power plant
4 Current members
  • Current members: total 19 companies (7 full members, 2 associate members, and 10 special members)
  • 7 full members / 1 in energy /4 in shipbuilding / 2 shipping
    Current members of KOLBIA
    7 full members 1 in energy Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)
    4 in shipbuilding Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
    Hanwha Ocean co., Ltd.
    Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
    Orient Shipyard Co., Ltd.
    2 shipping SK Shipping Co., Ltd.
    H-Line Shipping Co., Ltd.
    2 associate members
    Dongsung Finetec Co., Ltd.
    Korean LNG Bunkering Co.Ltd
    10 special members Korea Gas Safety Corporation
    Korea Gas Technology Corporation (KOGAS-Tech)
    Korea Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (KANGV)
    Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association (KOSHIPA)
    DNV GL
    Lloyd’s Register
    Korean Register of Shipping
    Korea City Gas Association
    American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)