제목 | 2019 국제 LNG 추진선박&벙커링 컨퍼런스(2019. 12. 10(화), 해운대그랜드호텔) | ||
등록일 | 2021-12-17 | 조회수 | 767 |
<2019 국제 LNG 추진선박&벙커링 컨퍼런스(2019. 12. 10(화), 해운대그랜드호텔)>
○ IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap and the Bunkering Industry(Mr. Harry Tenumu ConwayVice Chair of MEPC, IMO)
○ Developing a Global LNG Bunkering Infrastructure(Mr. Christophe Le Blan LNG Business Development Manager for ASIA, TOTAL)
○ Global Status and Outlook of LNG Fueled ship & LNG Bunkering(유선일 사업개발본부장, DNV GL)
○ Status and Prospects of LNG Bunkering by KOGAS(이창선 부장, KOGAS)
○ Government Policy for Environment-Friendly Vessel(윤성혁 과장, 산업통상자원부)
○ Development of Operation Technology for STS LNG Bunkering in Korea(정동호 선임연구원, 선박해양플랜트연구소)
○ Regulatory Framework & SGMF’s Guidelines(Mr. Gianpaolo Benedetti Senior Technical Advisor, SGMF)
○ LNG Storage Tanks Made of High Mn Steel(최종교 상무, POSCO)
○ Perspective on the LNG Fueled Ship(하태범 본부장, 한국선급)
○ Marine Fuel and Next Energy, Preliminary(이강기 부사장, AVL List GmbH)
○ The Project Overview of Both Gas Trial Support and LNG Bunkering Vessel (LNGSBV) (이차수 상무, 조선해양엔지니어링협동조합)