협회 주요 활동
제목 2019 국제 LNG 추진선박&벙커링 컨퍼런스(2019. 12. 10(화), 해운대그랜드호텔)
등록일 2021-12-17 조회수 767

<2019 국제 LNG 추진선박&벙커링 컨퍼런스(2019. 12. 10(화), 해운대그랜드호텔)>


IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap and the Bunkering Industry(Mr. Harry Tenumu ConwayVice Chair of MEPC, IMO)

Developing a Global LNG Bunkering Infrastructure(Mr. Christophe Le Blan LNG Business Development Manager for ASIA, TOTAL)

Global Status and Outlook of LNG Fueled ship & LNG Bunkering(유선일 사업개발본부장, DNV GL)

Status and Prospects of LNG Bunkering by KOGAS(이창선 부장, KOGAS)

Government Policy for Environment-Friendly Vessel(윤성혁 과장, 산업통상자원부)

Development of Operation Technology for STS LNG Bunkering in Korea(정동호 선임연구원, 선박해양플랜트연구소)

Regulatory Framework & SGMF’s Guidelines(Mr. Gianpaolo Benedetti Senior Technical Advisor, SGMF)

LNG Storage Tanks Made of High Mn Steel(최종교 상무, POSCO)

Perspective on the LNG Fueled Ship(하태범 본부장, 한국선급)

Marine Fuel and Next Energy, Preliminary(이강기 부사장, AVL List GmbH)

The Project Overview of Both Gas Trial Support and LNG Bunkering Vessel (LNGSBV) (이차수 상무, 조선해양엔지니어링협동조합)






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