제목 Hyundai Heavy conducts LNG bunkering of four trucks' simultaneous connection.
등록일 2023-03-21 조회수 2731



[KOLBIA/March 21, 2023] Hyundai Heavy Industries conducted on-site inspections on LNG bunkering safety with a large 14,800TEU container ship under construction on March 17 and 18.


The on-site verification was aimed at checking the possible hazards in the process by increasing the number of tank lorries that simultaneously perform LNG bunkering from two to four by utilizing a movable manifold.


The event was held on the 16th shore of Hyundai Heavy Industries' shipyard. Officials from related agencies, including MOTIE(the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association, and Korea LNG Bunkering Industry Association, attended the event.


As a result of on-site verification, it was confirmed that there were no notable safety problems even if it was expanded to simultaneous bunkering with four tank lorries. In addition, emergency response systems such as the establishment of safety zone and the stand-by of a fire truck and the operation of ESD(Emergency Shut Down) were also checked. 

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