제목 The Role of Energy Efficiency Regulations​: EEDI, EEXI, CII, SEEMP(MMM Center)
등록일 2023-08-31 조회수 1395
첨부파일 Energy_Efficiency.pdf




1 Introduction

2 Existing energy efficiency regulation

2.1 EEDI: the Energy Efficiency Design Index.

2.2 EEXI Energy Efficiency Existing Ships Index

2.3 CII and SEEMP Carbon Intensity Indicator and Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

2.4 Other Regulations: market-based measures, EU ETS, FuelEU

3 How is the EEDI impacting the shipping industry?

   3.1 Can an EEDI-compliant vessel outperform on CII?

4 Expected impacts of the EEXI

5 Expected impacts and limitations of the CII

5.1 How does the industry expect to achieve compliance with the CII?.

5.2 How will the CII be enforced?

6. The unseen consequences of energy efficiency regulations

6.1 The risk of increased emissions

6.2 The role of ports and canals .

6.3 Interactions between regulations and the market.

7. Conclusions

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