제목 Will CO2 transport and storage limit blue fuel availability for the maritime industry?(MMM Center)
등록일 2023-08-31 조회수 1462
첨부파일 Carbon-Capture-and-Storage-Availability.pdf


1. Introduction

2. How much storage capacity could be available to meet 2030 maritime requirements?

3. Will CO2 storage be available in the most favorable regions for blue fuel production?

4. Will regulation and political barriers limit the scale-up of CO2 storage?

5. Will competition for CO2 storage from other industries limit its availability for blue ammonia production?

6. Will supply chain constraints limit the availability of CO2 storage?

7. What are the expected costs for CO2 storage?

8. What are the expected costs for blue ammonia production?

9. How fast is blue production expected to develop?

10. Overall outlook & recommendations

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