제목 the 1st Life Cycle GHG Emission Study on the Use of Ammonia as Marine Fuel(SGMF)
등록일 2024-06-12 조회수 768
첨부파일 Sphera-SGMF-1st-GHG-Analysis-of-Ammonia_Full_Report_v1.1.pdf

This study analyses the life cycle GHG emissions of the use of Ammonia (NH3) as marine fuel, based on current primary data (measured, estimated, or targeted) compared with conventional fuel oils. 


In addition, air quality impacts are assessed by comparing local combustion pollutants from the operation of the engines using these different fuels. The study includes the latest data for the Ammonia supply, as well as first fuel consumption and emission data for Ammonia fuelled 4-stroke Otto cycle and Diesel cycle ship engines.


Furthermore, only qualitative information provided by engine manufacturers on Ammonia fuelled 2-stroke ship engines is included in this study. The study focuses on the latest generation of marine engine models, however, all Ammonia fuelled ship engines are still under development, with first deliveries planned by the engine manufactures for 2024/2025.


All data used in this study is based on current information from key Ammonia suppliers across various production pathways and marine engine manufacturers. An outlook for future changes in the supply chain or the combustion of the fuel, both possibly leading to lower GHG emissions are not part of this study. As with the 2nd GHG study on LNG, this 1st GHG study on Ammonia was guided by a Project Consortium of SGMF member companies and associated partners.

--- Contents ---


1. Introduction

2. Goal of the Study

3. General scope of the Study

4. Well-to-Tank analysis

5. Tank-to-Wake analysis

6. Well-to-Wake analysis

7. Interpretation

8. Conclusions, and Recommendations 

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