Subject Samsung Heavy to construct green ammonia test facility in Geoje
Reg. date 2023-06-02 Views 1845


                                                              Image: Samsung Heavy Industries


[JoongAng Daily/June 1, 2023] Samsung Heavy Industries is constructing a green ammonia test facility in Geoje, South Gyeongsang, after receiving the necessary approvals.


The facility, situated on a 132,000 square meter (1,421,000 square foot) site within Geoje Shipyard, will serve as a testing ground to demonstrate technologies required for making ammonia-powered ships, Samsung Heavy Industries explained Thursday.


The shipbuilding company has obtained approval from the Korea Gas Safety Corporation for a technical review, following more than a year of construction design. Additionally, it has acquired manufacturing permits from Geoje City, enabling it to commence construction. The company aims to complete the testing facility by the end of the year.


The ammonia testing facility will feature fuel supply systems, liquefaction systems, and emission reduction systems, which are essential for the practical implementation of ammonia-fueled vessels. In order to reduce the risk related to ammonia toxicity, the plant will be equipped with real-time leakage detection and alarm systems, toxicity neutralization devices, and will be subject to equipment condition inspections utilizing quadruped robots.


Ammonia is gaining significant attention as a carbon-neutral energy source for environmentally-friendly vessels, given its convenient production, storage, and transportation methods, and relative cost-effectiveness.


Samsung Heavy Industries started researching and developing shipbuilding technologies to use ammonia as fuel in 2019, collaborating with different shipping companies, classification societies, and engine manufacturers to drive progress in this field.