Subject Hyundai Heavy receives AiP for Ammonia-FSRU
Reg. date 2023-04-26 Views 1975


                                      Image: Hyundai Heavy Industries


[KOLBIA/ May 1, 2023] Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) announced on April 19 that it has developed an "ammonia-FSRU(floating storage regasification unit)" and obtained Approval in Principle from Lloyd's Register, a UK-based maritime classification society.


HHI has collaborated with its affiliate KSOE(Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering) and the government-run Korea National Oil Corp (KNOC) for the "Ammonia-FSRU" .


The newly developed ammonia-FSRU is a vessel that stores liquefied ammonia transported from the production site and supplies it to onshore demand by re-gasifying it as needed.


FSRU is typically operated by mooring to ship berthing facilities along the coast, similar to onshore terminals. Compared to onshore terminals, FSRUs have the advantages of lower construction costs, shorter lead times, and no need for extensive land area.


HHI, KSOE, KNOC, and Lloyd's Register signed an agreement in December 2022 for the joint development of Ammonia-FSRU. HHI has designed the basic vessel, KSOE has constructed the re-gasification system, and KNOC has provided technical information and projects for the development of domestic infrastructure to acquire and store clean ammonia.