Subject Samsung Heavy delivers a LNG dual feul VLCC "Maran Danae"
Reg. date 2023-05-02 Views 2008




                                                               Image: Angelicoussis Group


[KOLBIA/ May 2, 2023] Samsung Heavy Industries handed over the 320,500-dwt VLCC(Very Large Crude Carrier) on April 27.  The LNG  dual-feul powerdel VLCC was named Maran Danae and delivered to Maran Tankers, an oil tanker shipping unit of the Angelicoussis Shipping Group.


The vessel has a cargo capacity of 320,500 dwt, like her sister ships. Maran Tankers took delivery of its first LNG-powered VLCC "Antonis I. Angelicoussis" in January and the second vessel "Maria A. Angelicoussis" in February.