Subject KOGAS achieves breakthrough in localizing bearings for ultra-low temperature LNG pumps
Reg. date 2023-11-09 Views 1217





Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) announced on the 8th the successful localization of bearings for ultra-low temperature LNG pumps. This achievement marks the first time in Korea's history that these critical components, vital to natural gas production bases, have been domestically produced.


Traditionally reliant on foreign sources for the past four decades, bearings for cryogenic LNG pumps play a pivotal role in supporting axial loads capable of high-speed rotation (approximately 3,600 rpm). These bearings must also endure the formidable forces of compression under high pressures (7 MPa) within the extreme cryogenic environment of minus 163°C.


KOGAS collaborated with Hanil HIGHTECH Co., Ltd., and the Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials to embark on the ambitious journey of localizing ultra-low-temperature bearings. Remarkably, after a year and six months of intensive research and development, the goal was successfully realized.


In a unique move to accommodate innovative technology development, KOGAS provided an 8,000-hour demonstration test environment by opening the pump facility at the Pyeongtaek LNG production base. This was especially beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that face challenges in conducting practical demonstrations.


The successful localization of ultra-low temperature bearings is expected to yield significant benefits. By reducing parts procurement costs by 30% compared to foreign products and shortening the procurement period from 6 months to 2 months, KOGAS aims to enhance the stability of LNG production bases.


Moreover, this achievement is anticipated to open new avenues for small and medium-sized companies that have mastered these technologies. These businesses are poised to expand into related sectors, such as LNG ships, overseas LNG liquefaction bases, and the burgeoning hydrogen industry. This not only promises increased sales but also establishes a strong foothold for overseas expansion in the ever-evolving global energy landscape.